
Brazilian Leather Certification of Sustainability – CSCB

Promoting best practices in the leather industry and recognizing companies that evolve and reach milestones on this journey is the purpose of the Brazilian Leather Certification of Sustainability (CSCB). It was built by the chain that integrates the leather sector in the country and is supported by the Brazilian Leather project.

The CSCB works within the tanneries to control and improve results in more than one hundred indicators in four dimensions: environmental, social, economic and sustainability management. The certification is based on the ABNT NBR 16296 Standard, audited by a body accredited by INMETRO (the signing organ of the mutual recognition agreement in the IAF and the ILAC framework).

Some indicators considered and evaluated by the CSCB:

  • Reduction of water consumption
  • Reduction
    of energy consumption
  • 100% compliance with current legislation
  • Product
  • Origin of raw material
  • Restricted substances
  • Worker's health and safety
  • Professional development

How to get certified

After joining the CSCB, each company goes through a consultancy and training stage, in which the indicators are worked on. The consultancy instructs and verifies the compliance, and continuity of each indicator, and, with this stage completed, the tannery can request an audit from a body accredited by INMETRO for certification. There are four levels of the seal:

  • Bronze

    For those who meet up to 50% of the applicable indicators for each of the four certification dimensions.

  • Silver

    For those who meet up to
    75% of the applicable indicators for each of the four certification dimensions.

  • Gold

    For those who meet up to 90% of the applicable indicators for each of the four certification dimensions.

  • Diamond

    For those who meet 100% of the applicable indicators for each of the four certification dimensions.

  • Courovale
  • Fuga Couros
  • JBS Couros
  • Curtume Mats

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