Corporate Governance
The Brazilian Leather project has a series of objectives, work procedures,
responsibilities, and
goals to promote the growth of the Brazilian leather industry in the international market. There is
monitoring, audits and analyzes to ensure total daily compliance with the partnership between CICB
and ApexBrasil.
Brazilian Leather Project Management Committee
It is composed by members of the CICB, the Manager responsible at ApexBrasil and the CICB Project and Trade Intelligence Managers.
- Apexbrasil Viviane Iark
- Executive President at CICB José Fernando Bello
- Brazilian Leather Manager at CICB Letícia Luft
- Trade Intelligence Manager at CICB Rogério de Souza Cunha
- Viposa S/A Eduardo Seleme
- Vancouros Clébio Marques
- JBS Couros Cezar Gerhardt
- JBS Couros Eduardo Rizzi
- Fuga Couros Luis Eduardo Fuga
- Minerva S/A Alessandro Sousa
- Couros Bom Retiro Ltda Gilmar Harth
- Coming Ltda Emilio Bittar
- Durlicouros Ltda Evandro Luis Durli
- SINCURT Volnei Durli
- AICSul Moacir Berger